Sedimentation management in hydro reservoirs
Reservoir sediment management, especially in sediment rich areas of India and other countries around the world is becoming more and more a major problem for the hydro projects. It is therefore important that aspects related to improved reservoir sedimentation management is better understood and practiced.
Dams with significant siltation problems
The siltation is a rather minor problem for many dams but may reduce by decades the possible long life of 50 % of them and may be a key problem within few years or few decades for over 10% of large or small dams.
Cost savings in dams (draft of ICOLD bulletin)
Reservoirs sedimentation is not globally as detrimental as sometimes claimed but is a serious problem for many reservoirs, especially in Asia where most future dams will be built. Beyond economic optimisation, long term sustainability requirements favour mitigation measures. They may vary significantly with dam site, purpose and reservoir operation.