"Dams and floods, siltation, energy storage, tidal energy"

HydroCoop offers free advice to Ministries, Owners, Consultants and Contractors


HydroCoop is a non-profit-making organisation formed to promote international technical cooperation in dam engineering, with special focus on flood control, spillways and siltation. HydroCoop is also involved in Tidal Energy, in Pumping Storage Plants and in energies of future.

Needs of energy storage

Beyond their impact on climate change, large investments in various renewable energies and relevant energy storage may well be economically justified in most countries. This would also reduce the huge risk of conflict for fossil fuel control.

Tidal energy

Hydropower and Tidal Energy have about the same theoretical potential. Hydropower supplies 3 500 TWh/year, tidal energy
1 TWh/year. The reason of this gap may be that the technical solutions used successfully for hydropower and chosen for most studies of tidal energy are poorly adapted to most tidal sites.

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